About 2 miles west of Nassau on the right hand side of the road lies a pink painted villa. Its official name is Rock Point, but we Bond-fans know it better as Palmyra, Largo’s home in the Bahamas.
It is right next to a public beach and looks rather as it did in Thunderball. The shark pool where Largo’s henchman Quist becomes fish fodder is visible from the road. You can also see the beach area, the place at which Bond shows off his masterly skills at trap shooting. Unfortunately, since it is a private estate, Rock Point is not accessible to the public. But if you're lucky you might just stumble into Mr. Mosko, the current owner of the house. Having bought the house in the mid-'70s, he doesn't know much about the filming. He only seems to know the film was made there because of the many Bond fans that turn up at his front gate. When you're outside the gate, you will realise there is absolutely no space for the entrance road with the barrier, as shown in the film. In fact, this scene was filmed on a quiet moment on the road to the airport.
Once you have passed the gate you'll come to the parking space in front of the house. Bond parked his car next to the place where you will now find two 17th century canons, each worth over 500.000 US$, just lying there on the grass. While the main entrance is also there (there used to be a wooden gate where we see Bond ring the bell in the film), the best entrance is to your left. You will first pass the outer (shark) pool.
Much damage has been done to the surrounding walls by hurricanes, and also the outer pool has suffered. It has partially filled up with sand, but according to Mr. Mosko, this was temporarily. Looking towards the sea, you will immediately notice the tree-area in the back, from where Largo was trap-shooting. This area has also changed much, due to the earlier mentioned hurricane attacks. Still it looks recognizable, and it can even be seen from the beach on the left of the house.
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